The average house price on RIDGEWAY GARDENS is £1,333,793
The most expensive house in the street is 2 RIDGEWAY GARDENS with an estimated value of £1,809,921
The cheapest house in the street is 9 RIDGEWAY GARDENS with an estimated value of £1,080,966
The house which was most recently sold was 10 RIDGEWAY GARDENS, this sold on 24 Jul 2023 for £1,300,000
The postcode for RIDGEWAY GARDENS is GU21 4RB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached £1,809,921 £475,000 12 May 2000
3 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached , 145 m2 £1,394,956 £400,000 6 Apr 2001
4 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached , 179 m2 £1,273,037 £941,000 26 May 2016
8 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached , 187 m2 £1,214,548 £977,500 31 Jul 2019
9 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached £1,080,966 £630,000 28 Sep 2006
10 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached £1,300,000 24 Jul 2023
13 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached , 162 m2 £1,345,289 £785,000 1 Oct 2010
14 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached , 170 m2 £1,242,346 £987,000 21 Feb 2018
HARLEQUINS, 6 RIDGEWAY GARDENS Detached £1,309,282 £775,000 24 Nov 2006